Throughout the spectrum of design; Photography has always been the initial key aspect for me. The ability to explore new ideas and portray a new world through a lens that the naked eye deflects and ignores gives me a great satisfaction and sense of achievement.
My preferred style of photography is narrative; preparing a set design/choosing a location and my models and arranging them together to make to create a story in a photograph.
This is something that I have experimented with a lot in past projects, and something I would like to proceed with in future briefs. The post production of my work in Adobe Photoshop also holds an important element within my area of work.
This process not only improves but also transforms photo’s; which in some cases can create a whole new meaning to an image.
This however, alongside getting to grips with the technicality of lighting and using photography equipment is my downfall – and something which I am aiming to improve with each new project throughout my practice.
Having this doesn’t dishearten me, but only encourages me to keep improving and trying new ways of exploring and creating new images.