/ Sophie Pitchford /


‘My great religion is a belief in the blood, the flesh, as being wiser than the intellect. We can go wrong in our minds. But what our blood feels and believes and says, is always true. The intellect is only a bit and a bridle.’ D. H. Lawrence   I  believe that the main ethos of my work as a graphic artist is that it must be honest. I am driven by an almost obsessive need to visualise political and social subject matter. In the past I have tackled issues from benefit cuts and the demonization of the working class, to more recently issues surrounding the fading identity of Britain.

I believe that visualising these subjects helps us to view them in a fresh light. I enjoy the concept of re-appropriation, removing subjects from their more familiar state (news, media etc.) into something more creative as well as accessible.

As a person who grew up disconnected to art, it is important to me to always consider the eyes of those in similar positions. I want my work to speak not only to those connected to the art world, but to a wider audience. My ambition as a graphic artist, photographer and communicator is to not strive to satisfy trend, but to tackle subjects with an appropriate, sensitive and considered manner.