/ William McBurney /


“Beauty can be seen in all things, seeing and composing the beauty is what separates the snapshot from the photograph.” -­‐ Matt Hardy

I am a photographer, I enjoy finding and capturing beauty in the everyday things that we see throughout the city and beyond through the use of composition, things that might not necessarily be beautiful in context but when formed into a photo make a beautiful image.

I have a keen interest in street photography and documentary photography. I enjoy capturing spontaneous real life situations as they unfold. “The decisive moment” is important to me when I’m trying to do this. I want people to ask questions of my images, ask themselves who are these people? Why are they there? What’s the situation here? The works of people like Martin Parr originally got me interested In this type of photography.

When photographing people I want my images to be as truer representation as they can be. I have an interest in realism when it comes to documentary photography.