MA Art and Design Online Gallery


Paul Ramsden

This is a series of works which is an exploration of themes, transposed within the concept of ‘portability’. I have used the exacting dimensions of an everyday shopper bag as a vehicle for design.

I work within given constraints and parameters, whether they be time, measurement, cost or material characteristics. Properties and processes often lead the way; revealing a new and unimagined destination.

I make 3D sculptural forms that explore possibilities existing within the parameters of stowage, public transport, and the specific dimensions of personal effects.

The theme of ‘journey’ is reflected in the works presented. This can be translated as both a physical journey though the recording of a landscape; and a metaphorical journey through design and realisation.

Click on each PDF to examine the works in detail.

landscape in a bag

Landscape in a bag.

Shopper Bag as portfolio; the works are transportable.


The panoramic form lends itself to length (distance from A to B)

A travelogue.

z frame

A screen.

Polycotton Ribbon; travelling one route via stations of space.


A wrapped pylon.

Gathered backwards revealing sections of a transmission tower.

Marble Towers

Marble Towers

Flat 44

The lift is out of order